Universal Ballet News

[Interview]-Croise Magazine Seunghyun Lee & Minwoo Kang

페이지 정보

조회 5,708 작성일 12-10-17 18:37



Translation - Croise Magazine  (2012. Autumn Vol. 48)

Interview with Seunghyun Lee & Minwoo Kang


Uiversal Ballet Swan Lake
Next performance close at hand , Universal Ballet is steadily increasing the number of fans in Japan. Among their dancers, two popular dancers, Seunghyun Lee and Minwoo Kang, visited Ballet shop Fairy for a TV show recording (Tokyo, Omotesandou). We had an interview together.


This winter, you are performing Swan Lake, right?

Seunghyun Lee: Yes. First, please pay attention to our beautiful corps-de-ballet. They dance beautiful because they keep the height of their legs and arms equal very with each other.

Do you have any roles that you want to dance?

Seunghyun Lee: As a dancer, of course I have the desire to play the leading role. Apart from that, I would like to play a role clown and Pas de Trois as well.

Minwoo Kang: I am still inexperienced so I appreciate any kinds of roles. In order to show a performance that will do credit to a professional, once received a new a role I just want do my best to perfect it.